Scholarship Achievements

Student Name - Saniya Surwase
Course Name - Master's of Science in business analytics
University Name - University of Exeter,UK
Scholarship - 3000 pounds.
Course Name - Master's of Science in business analytics
University Name - University of Exeter,UK
Scholarship - 3000 pounds.

Student Name - Rigved Shirwalkar
University Name - New York University
Course Name - Masters in computer Engineering
Scholarship - 7k per year.
University Name - New York University
Course Name - Masters in computer Engineering
Scholarship - 7k per year.

Name - Prathamesh Bachhav (Got 3 scholarships)
Steven Institute Of Technology - MSCS 1200k $ & MSIS 1400K $
Pace University - MSSC 5000k $
Steven Institute Of Technology - MSCS 1200k $ & MSIS 1400K $
Pace University - MSSC 5000k $

Name - Gitesh Ahirrao
University Name - George Mason University
Course Name - Masters in Computer Science
University Name - George Mason University
Course Name - Masters in Computer Science

Student Name - Riya Surwase
University Name - University of Exeter
Course - Master of Science in Finance & Investment (12 months)
India Global Leaders Scholarship - - 3000 pounds.
University Name - University of Exeter
Course - Master of Science in Finance & Investment (12 months)
India Global Leaders Scholarship - - 3000 pounds.

Student Name - Aditya Pokharna
University Name - Arizona State University
Course Name - MS in Data Science
University Name - Arizona State University
Course Name - MS in Data Science

Student Name - Ashwin Vyas
University Name - Northwestern University
Course Name - Master's in engineering management
University Name - Northwestern University
Course Name - Master's in engineering management

Student Name - Piyush Kewate
University Name - University of Cincinnati
Course Name - BS in Finance
Scholarship - 15000 Dollars.
University Name - University of Cincinnati
Course Name - BS in Finance
Scholarship - 15000 Dollars.